Category: NZTekonverse -> Debian

  • Hibernation fails with Kubuntu 20/22 on HP computers if Secure Boot is enabled.

    Some months back I did write about how to enable hibernation in Kubuntu as it is not enabled by default like it is in Debian. I have particularly noted that this is an issue on computers made by HP in that following the given instructions still does not make hibernation available in some HP manufactured…

  • Bye Bye Debian

    Well since writing about steps in migrating to Kubuntu from Debian I have pushed ahead and migrated practically everything so now it is only a spare or two that is still running Debian. This is quite a step forward as I have previously regarded Debian as being the distribution of choice for someone like me.…

  • Debian Falling Behind In Hardware Compatibility

    One of the great controversies in the open source world is manufacturers who supply closed source drivers for their devices for open source operating systems like Linux. Debian uses the term “firmware” to describe these drivers and Debian, more than almost any other Linux distribution out there, prides itself on a firm policy of “officially”…

  • Upgrading

    The series on how to build a PC from $300 to $3000 is being written as an allusion to my own computer upgrade project I have been working on this week. I took the middle of the road approach to this system and was able to bring the timeline forward after obtaining family support. A…

  • HOWTO: Fix “python: no such file or directory” error with youtube-dl or other scripts

    If you use Python scripts or apps that depend on python to run, you may see an error message similar to the following on Debian Bullseye (possibly other distributions or versions as well). This occurs because the python application has been replaced by python3 in Debian Bullseye and so the system cannot find anything simply…