Category: NZTekonverse -> Debian

  • Debian Buster Release due soon

    Debian Buster (Debian 10) has been in development for the last few years, and it is expected to be released about the middle of this year. As was described in some earlier posts, I have had Buster running on some of my systems in the past, but not in the last year or so. However…

  • Firefox Developer exhausts system resources

    One week after reinstalling mainpc I had a repeat of the situation that caused the reinstallation. Firefox Developer, which is the main browser I use, somehow got into a situation where it was using full CPU, RAM and swap for a period. I use the KDE system load monitor widget on the panel to monitor…

  • NZ Rail Maps: Optimising Gimp and using 4x4x4 grid for mosaics [1]

    As recent posts have outlined I am using a new grid system for the NZ Rail Maps mosaics to standardise on the use of 4800×7200 tiles for historical aerial images, because Qgis limitations means it tends to run out of memory exponentially more rapidly and be much slower to update the screen if larger sizes…

  • How to optimise Gimp resource usage

    Since I have one computer for the NZ Rail Maps project that is mostly used just for Gimp for mosaic creation and as it has got 32 GB of RAM and 100 GB of Linux swap on a partition of the SSD I need to make sure it uses the available system resources efficiently. One…

  • General update 2019-02-15

    Last week I had some issues with mainpc resulting in it running out of /tmp space which of course is caused or impacted by running out of space on the install volume and caused a number of user files in /home I was working on to become corrupted. I haven’t looked at the bigger question…