Category: NZTekonverse -> Debian

  • Managing Web Map tiles on a Debian computer, and other Webmap technical complexities

    Webmaps are a great tool for everyday use to view a map in a browser, and they are getting a lot of use from Google Maps and Open Street Maps down. What is not really seen in these technologies is some of the challenges that have to be overcome to produce them ready to go…

  • Install mb-util on Debian

    I use a Python script called mb-util to build the mbtiles files for the NZ Rail Maps webmaps site. It takes the raw tiles and builds what is effectively a SQLite database that encapsulates the millions of little tiles into one file, which is much easier to handle for file storage and uploading, although slightly…

  • Welcome to the world of M.2 [2]

    Since last month writing about M.2 SSDs several have been installed in different computers. It has been found difficult to use them as a Linux boot device so regular SSDs still do these roles in computers. On an H97 board, six SATA ports went down to four when the M.2 SSD was installed, whereas on…

  • Welcome to the world of M.2

    M.2 is a standard for SSDs (Solid State Disks). As everyone knows, SSDs are starting to replace hard drives and have the advantage of much faster performance. They come in a number of different form factors and one of the first available was the same as the existing hard drives for laptops and using the…

  • Rsync Backup System [7]: Current System

    So it has proved desirable to return to making backups from a remote server connected over a network. This is currently a separate computer in our setup of computers, but we plan to integrate it into one of the existing computers (the one that is used mainly to play media) since we have determined the…