Category: NZTekonverse -> InstallMyPC

  • Configuring Docks in Gimp by editing the sessionrc config file.

    Anyone who has used Gimp is familiar with the use of the toolbox and the docks that appear on the screen. People naturally have their own preferences about how to arrange these user interface elements. I worked for a long time with screens in landscape mode, with a dock on each side of the screen.…

  • HOWTO: Enable Hibernation in Kubuntu 24.04

    Long-time readers of this blog may recall a similar article about how to enable hibernation in Kubuntu 20.04 LTS. These instructions did not need to be updated for 22.04 LTS because they were the same. For Kubuntu 24.04 these do need to be updated however. Part of the previous post is copied below. Before you…

  • Upgrade from Debian/KDE to Kubuntu

    So I have upgraded one of my systems from Debian bookworm to Kubuntu 20.04, this system was freezing a lot on bookworm so it is better to have something more stable/reliable. The other bookworm system has also been migrated to Kubuntu. Current plans are to use the built-in upgrader to take it up to 22.04…

  • HOWTO: Enable Hibernation in Kubuntu 20.04

    One of the little annoyances of the Buntus is they don’t have hibernation enabled by default; you have to set it up yourself. This entails a few extra steps, fortunately these are fairly straightforward. [Re-enable hibernate by default in upower]Identity=unix-user:*Action=org.freedesktop.upower.hibernateResultActive=yes [Re-enable hibernate by default in logind]Identity=unix-user:*Action=org.freedesktop.login1.hibernate;org.freedesktop.login1.handle-hibernate-key;org.freedesktop.login1;org.freedesktop.login1.hibernate-multiple-sessions;org.freedesktop.login1.hibernate-ignore-inhibitResultActive=yes After you reboot, hibernation should work correctly. There is…

  • Debian Falling Behind In Hardware Compatibility

    One of the great controversies in the open source world is manufacturers who supply closed source drivers for their devices for open source operating systems like Linux. Debian uses the term “firmware” to describe these drivers and Debian, more than almost any other Linux distribution out there, prides itself on a firm policy of “officially”…