Category: NZTekonverse -> Linux

  • Python Scripting [4D]: Exif Based Image Renaming 4

    After testing the Exif renaming script for the past couple of weeks I have added a piece of code to check for collisions and rename any file that collides with an existing filename. With Exif data, the most likely cause of a filename collision is when a camera is set to shoot continuously and it…

  • Python Scripting [4C]: Exif Based Image Renaming 3

    After letting this one slide for quite a while, I picked it up again yesterday and have completed most of the coding. This is the full code to date (barring any further modifications found to be needed after testing). The script is run from the directory that is to be acted upon and takes no…

  • Buster moves to RC1

    I have put a 240 GB SSD into the computer that I edit the map mosaics on (in Gimp) which gives me 200 GB of swap file space so that large projects can be handled more readily. I have no actual intention of going beyond 100 layers as in the present projects; it will be…

  • Python Scripting [6C]: Layer Sidecar Duplication & Renaming for NZ Rail Maps 3

    After the use of the script for a while, an amendment has been decided upon and implemented this week. This is to simply duplicate the sidecars where there is no change of pixel size involved.  For example it may be just a case of the prefix being changed. To implement these changes the following…

  • Python Scripting [6B]: Layer Sidecar Duplication & Renaming for NZ Rail Maps 2

    Since yesterday the script has been completed and tested OK. Here is the complete script. It is similar to the segments script but a lot less complex with a total of 77 lines.  # declarations import glob import argparse import os import shutil import sys rootPath = os.getcwd() # set up command line argument parser…