Category: NZTekonverse -> Linux

  • Lubuntu 19.04 with LXQt

    It should generally be known by now that the Lubuntu project, which produces a version of Ubuntu that utilises the LX desktop environment for low resource usage, has switched from LXDE to LXQt in its more recent releases. The use of LXQt provides for a refreshing modern interface design in this application and for me,…

  • Python Scripting [6A]: Layer Sidecar Duplication & Renaming for NZ Rail Maps 1

    Our new scripting project as of present is a script called which is specifically with the NZ Rail Maps project and it aims to achieve duplication and renaming of the sidecar files that are associated with raster layers. Suppose that we have a base raster 4800×7200 pixels named in the following pattern: Timbuctoo-930W8-92NN9.jpg We…

  • Webcam with Linux [1]

    We need to do some livestreaming on Facebook Live for a project I am working on. Using a phone is quick and convenient, but pretty limited unless it is a selfie. So the next option is a webcam connected to a laptop and remotely located from it by a 5 metre cable which lets me…

  • Python Scripting [4B]: Exif Based Image Renaming 2

    Today I am going to have a look at Pillow and its interface for reading EXIF data from images. As I mentioned previously, Pillow is a fork of PIL (the Python Imaging Library) and contains capabilities to read and write EXIF data from images. Although there are official documents for Pillow at Readthedocs, it is…

  • Python Scripting [4A]: Exif Based Image Renaming

    This is now a new scripting project I am starting for Python. I need this script to rename all my photos off the camera, replacing the use of IrfanView which I used on my Windows 10 computer. Whilst I still have that computer and the software, I am looking to do something with Python scripting…