Category: NZTekonverse -> Linux

  • More useful Linux software

    Obviously one thing you need with an operating system platform is software that will run on it. Every platform has stuff that is produced cross-platform and stuff that is only for its platform, and we constantly have the issue that something we want to run is not available on the platform we use most of…

  • MS releases locked down Windows 10 S

    Win 10 S is the Windows 10 version of Windows RT. Windows RT was a limited version of Windows 8 designed for the ARM platform that could only run apps from the Windows Store, not full desktop applications that were hardcoded to the Win32 API in regular editions of Windows. The idea of Win 10…

  • Xubuntu 17.04, Kodi 17.1

    Well the bedroom pc (AMD E350) had to be reinstalled because it needed more disk space for storing videos etc and I had assigned the larger disk entirely to Linux (500 GB) and only left a 320 GB partition for my stuff which was almost full. I reinstalled completely with the latest release of Xubuntu…

  • More Linux utilities: Pinta, Teamviewer, Spotify

    Pinta is a basic graphics editor which is inspired by the Windows software It is simpler and easier to use than Gimp, and runs under Mono.  Teamviewer has a Linux client available that I have used on Xubuntu. Spotify also has a Linux client available that works well under Xubuntu. However, there are currently…

  • Is Apple abandoning the professional creative marketplace?

    The idea that Apple might seek to abandon the professional market segment altogether having decided to focus on the consumer marketplace has gained ground with the focus of their recent product updates becoming clearer. In fact this trend has been obvious for some time with a growing range of pro/business equipment being dropped over the…