Category: NZTekonverse -> Linux
The series on how to build a PC from $300 to $3000 is being written as an allusion to my own computer upgrade project I have been working on this week. I took the middle of the road approach to this system and was able to bring the timeline forward after obtaining family support. A…
HOWTO: Fix “python: no such file or directory” error with youtube-dl or other scripts
If you use Python scripts or apps that depend on python to run, you may see an error message similar to the following on Debian Bullseye (possibly other distributions or versions as well). This occurs because the python application has been replaced by python3 in Debian Bullseye and so the system cannot find anything simply…
Debian Font Reinstallation for Carlito Fonts
Carlito is a very useful font in Debian but it is not necessarily installed automatically at reinstallation of the operating system. The steps that are recommended to reinstall some useful fonts are: apt install fonts-crosextra-carlito fonts-crosextra-caladea Caladea is the other font that is installed by the above command line. These two fonts are effective substitutes…
Managing Web Map tiles on a Debian computer, and other Webmap technical complexities
Webmaps are a great tool for everyday use to view a map in a browser, and they are getting a lot of use from Google Maps and Open Street Maps down. What is not really seen in these technologies is some of the challenges that have to be overcome to produce them ready to go…
The fun and joy of self hosting blogs…
This blog, and all the others I have started on WordPress, have now moved to a hosting platform, a Godaddy economy Linux package with 100 GB of disk space. It has various resource limitations, but it will fit the bill, especially with an introductory package price of $20.50 for the first year. The domain cost…