Category: NZTekonverse -> Linux
Ubuntu LTS vs non LTS releases
Good day. As I install various versions of Ubuntu on a few virtual machines and computers and also use Debian on some as well, there is naturally an important comparison to be made between the Debian and Ubuntu release cycles. Ubuntu has stabilised on a twice yearly release cycle but the LTS releases are every…
New “Readjust” feature in Gimp Unified Transform (NZRM Aerial Mosaics)
Unified Transform is a very useful capability in Gimp since about 2.10 that combines a number of transformation tools together, such as Scale, Rotate and Shear. I have used this tool extensively when creating aerial map mosaics for the NZ Rail Maps project. To create an aerial map mosaic, I start with downloading the current…
Raspberry Pi as Livestream Player [4]… Or Conventional HTPC?
So after recent posts talking about Raspberry Pi possibilities I am probably going to forgo using my Pi as a media player because I have pulled out an old Intel DB75EN board that used to be a desktop computer here and it plays videos very well. So that old computer can be repurposed. It needs…
Linux video editing, revisited
Some way back, I don’t recall exactly, I talked about Linux video editing. When I set up mediapc the idea was that was going to be its key function. Then I ran into some roadblocks trying to find FOSS software that could do this, and just gave up and stuck with Avidemux, which can do…
Stopping desktop notification popups on LXQt
I see a fair bit of LXQt, whether it is on my one desktop that is running it on top of a Debian install, or my preference for laptops and virtual machines which is to install Lubuntu for fast pain-free installations, especially with non-free firmware and low resource use. Debian remains my preference for my…