Category: NZTekonverse -> Windows

  • Apple vs Google vs Microsoft vs Samsung vs….etc etc etc…

    So I have listed the names of the world’s four biggest computer hardware / software vendors … or at least the best known, in various different ways. Apple and Microsoft have been the two leading providers of desktop operating systems for decades. Apple and Google are the two leading providers of mobile operating systems. Apple…

  • Hibernation fails with Kubuntu 20/22 on HP computers if Secure Boot is enabled.

    Some months back I did write about how to enable hibernation in Kubuntu as it is not enabled by default like it is in Debian. I have particularly noted that this is an issue on computers made by HP in that following the given instructions still does not make hibernation available in some HP manufactured…

  • Elitepad gets a refresh…back to Windows 8

    One of my least-known computers is an HP Elitepad 900 I purchased around 5-6 years ago. This is a Windows 8 tablet, which is a pretty unusual beast; MS had not invented the Surface at that stage. The Elitepad is a business tablet, which for its spec was relatively expensive, but it is designed to…

  • Using a Raspberry Pi as a livestream player [1]

    When I wrote the first post of this series I fully expected using my former Windows 10 PC as a home theater PC would work out. That didn’t last long and the Windows 10 part was soon moved to another computer so the Mini-ITX system could be reinstalled with Lubuntu for the specific role that…

  • Using a Windows 10 computer as a media player

    UPDATE 19-10-7: Due to cost the Win10PC was put into an old obsolete chassis and parked in a corner of the room so it can be used when needed but it will not sit on my desk and will hardly ever be used. This was accomplished using an identical spare G-E350 WIN8 mainboard and the…