Projector Calculations [2]
Again here is the calculator:
This time I went for the native 16:10 model EB-G6250. The calculator does not have this model, so I used the similar Powerlite Pro G6050W.
Screen Gain 1.0
Throw distance 20 metres
Calculator lists 8 lenses but only 6 of these are current with the G6250 model. Of these only three have the range required to work at 20 metres.
Long Throw Lens ELPLL06
2.3 metres high, 4.3 metres diagonal, 3.6 metres wide.
Throw range 17-24 metres.
Seating distance range 4.7-21.8 metres.
Image brightness 134 nits.
Middle Throw Lens ELPLM04
4.7 metres high, 8.8 metres diagonal, 7.5 metres wide.
Throw range 16-26 metres.
Seating distance range 10-45 metres.
Image brightness 30 nits.
Middle Throw Lens ELPLM05
3.2 metres high, 6.1 metres diagonal, 5.1 metres wide.
Throw range 16-26 metres.
Seating distance range 7-30 metres.
Image brightness 61 nits.
Based on the above data the recommended choice of lens would be the ELPLL06.
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