Category: NZTekonverse -> Debian

  • NZ Rail Maps: Two different ways to cover a large area in Gimp [1]

    In my last post I compared a couple of large Gimp projects I worked on. Both of these cover a significant distance and they use different ways of doing it. It is illustrative to look at those two different ways and consider if one is better than the other. The first way of doing in…

  • NZ Rail Maps: Gimp optimisation with SSD works well

    A few posts back in label NZ Rail Maps, I commented on how to optimise Gimp to use the swap partition on the computer effectively. I have since been able to prove using a computer with only 8 GB of RAM that it is able to use the SSD to load much bigger images without…

  • Buster challenges

    There have been a few issues I have found using Debian Buster so far. Among them Command shells have a much more limited set of commands that will work all the time. For example blkid is the latest command I have found that will not work in a Bash shell window under KDE (Konqueror). dpkg…

  • Autologin with LXQt

    Autologin isn’t something I do normally, but on my computer that run LXQt, for what they are used for, it gets the computer up faster so it is useful. If you are using LXQt with SDDM which is the default display manager, it is pretty easy to use. Simply edit /etc/sddm.conf.d/autologin.conf and enter the following…

  • Life with Buster

    Well I rushed to get Buster on most of my computers yesterday and this was mostly straightforward. The exception being of course mainpc which ran out of disk space while running the apt upgrade command due to the number of new packages downloaded and installed. There can be literally thousands of packages needed for an…