Category: NZTekonverse -> Google

  • Apple vs Google vs Microsoft vs Samsung vs….etc etc etc…

    So I have listed the names of the world’s four biggest computer hardware / software vendors … or at least the best known, in various different ways. Apple and Microsoft have been the two leading providers of desktop operating systems for decades. Apple and Google are the two leading providers of mobile operating systems. Apple…

  • Google ditches another email service

    Following last year when Google arbitrarily ditched email notification from Youtube, they have now notified that the Feedburner service will be changed, and in their words, “we will be turning down most non-core feed management features, including email subscriptions, at that time”. So as we read it, Google has summarily decided that email subscriptions are…

  • Samsung Galaxy A12

    Well it’s time to get some posting underway for 2021 (other than rail maps) so here is a brief run down of a recent acquisition, a Samsung Galaxy A12 phone. This model was released late last year so there is relatively little information available for it on a lot of sites. The example mentioned here…

  • General computing update – week 34, 2020.

     Since writing early July about about the need to replace the disks in mainpc I have finally progressed towards this stage by purchasing the first of two disks. As noted in the earlier post, this was prompted by an I/O failure of one of the disks that resulted in it dropping out of the RAID…

  • Google Photos: The free photo service’s automatic deduplication creates challenges

    Yeah, we all know what Google Photos is. Another cloud based service from Google, and one that other cloud providers like Flickr find it difficult to compete with. I was quite keen on Flickr, but they have their own issues, like that people outside the US have no rights under the DMCA, anyone can send…